MARS Estimate App

MARS Estimate is our Android app to create Hapag-Lloyd shipping container repair estimates. It is available for download in the Google Play Store here.

This app runs on Android phones or tablets and allows shipping container surveyors to create repair estimates for Hapag-Lloyd. Estimates can be inputted quickly and easily, whilst ensuring that the correct Hapag-Lloyd MARS code is used. No looking up of MARS codes. Simply select from short pick lists.

The surveyor can take photographs of any damage as they inspect the container and these are automatically attached to the estimate. Once complete the repair estimate can be emailed to the customer and/or the surveyor’s office.

As the estimate is fully coded it can be used by other staff members to input into the Hapag-Lloyd FIS system, saving the surveyor from having to return to the office, or any further work creating and sending estimates or processing photographs.

It saves time for the surveyor and allows Hapag-Lloyd to receive correctly coded estimates quicker.

Other than sending the estimates by email, the app does not need an internet connection, meaning inspections can be done anywhere. Surveyors can input as many estimates as they want, and then when they are ready, and able to connect to the internet, send the estimates by email.

The estimates emailed to the surveyor’s office can be stored in the company’s email system, forming a database of all the estimates for easy storage and access by for other members of staff.

When the container is surveyed by the customer’s surveyor, the estimate can be reworked in the app and a fresh copy sent to the office.

When repairs are authorised the estimate email can then be forwarded to the workshop, simplifying processes and ensuring that the workshop know exactly what repairs are to be done.

If you are interested in MARS Estimate, then go to the Google Play Store and search for MARS Estimate, or use this link

If you have any questions, or MARS Estimate is not available in your region, just send us an email. We are always happy to help.